PHUSE EU Connect 2019


We just returned from a conference we look forward to every year, PHUSE EU Connect.  this year with fellow colleagues, customers, and fellow Life Science companies.

The event kicked off with dinner and the Poster Session. As sponsors this year we were especially excited for the session & to share our poster "Modern Analytics Within An Open Source Framework". Our poster & whitepaper focused on how technology and analytics for clinical trial analysis are constantly evolving.

You can read the whitepaper here. Modern Analytics

I believe the most important thing we can do at these types of events is take time to really learn from each other & this year's presentations certainly were beneficial to learn from. The most popular presentations were those linked to the future of clinical trials data with Real world Evidence and open source technologies such as Python and R (standing room ONLY.)

The phuse application was really helpful in order to see what is going on next and navigating to the talks selected earlier. I took notes on my iphone and ditched business cards in favour of the linked-in option to share. #goinggreen

The science fiction prototyping concept (Digital Biology: The Next Software revolution is Life Itself, Elsa Sotiriadis) will be explored and may be used in a future workshop engagement. There were many useful insights into the uses and cases studies of technologies (such as Formedix, Nurocor, LSAF, SAS Viya etc.) we follow as part of our market assessment solutions.

Versioning with open source (All about versioning – An intro to distributed version control – Mark Bynens and Sumesh Kalappurakal) helped to explain the relative merits of readily available versioning tools.

The approach taken by Amit Bhaniani and Qian Wang for the automated translation of tables resonated for me as it speaks to the separation of delivery of results data and the rendition of that data for a specific purpose. A core concept in our open source framework concept.

Approaches to validating and sharing code were very interesting and link nicely to our emerging partnership with Mango around ValidR for clinical where we are working together to provide the right set of packages to be validated, maintained and served for pharmaceutical R&D use.

d-wise at phuseIt was great to see so many of our customers at the conference, presenting and participating a fabulous time to gather feedback and share back with our d-wise teams. Looking forward continue building collaborations with clients to use these open source technologies through our Aspire Innovation Lab